"Robo Advisor" Further Exploration Challenges

Handling Multiple Stocks


Instead of processing a single stock at a time, allow the user to process multiple stocks at the same time.

If you decide to implement this approach, pay attention to the "Information Output Requirements" about using multiple CSV files instead of a single file. Also this will potentially increase your chance of getting rate limited by the API, so you'll need to either implement a sleep mechanism or handle rate limits gracefully.

Calculating 52-Week Highs and Lows


Instead of calculating and printing the stock's recent average high and recent average low, calculate and print the stock's 52-week high and 52-week low, respectively.

The 52-week high should be equal to the maximum daily "high" price over approximately the past year of trading data. For example, if the last available day of trading data is June 1st, 2018, the program should find the maximum of all the "high" prices between around June 1st, 2017 and June 1st, 2018.

The 52-week low should be calculated in a similar manner as the 52-week high, but it should instead be equal to the minimum of all "low" prices within the past year.

HINT: If you were previously requesting daily data, you will have to change your approach to either request more of it (i.e. by specifying the URL parameter &outputsize=full), or to instead request weekly data. Theoretically the maximum weekly "high" price should be the same as the maximum daily "high" price within the same period.

NOTE: If you do request "full" responses of daily data, the size of the response may drastically increase, and the speed of your requests may slow down noticeably. If you think these changes negatively impact user experience, you might want to consider requesting weekly data instead.

Plotting Prices over Time


In addition to writing the historical stock prices to a CSV file, your program should also display a line graph of the stock prices over time. :smiley_cat:

Optionally include any other data visualizations as desired, to add context to and increase confidence in the final recommendations.

Charts should ideally include appropriate titles, axis labels, legends, etc.

Sending Alerts via Email


Modify the logic of your application such that if it detects the stock's price has moved past a given threshold within a given time period (e.g. the price has increased or decreased by more than 5% within the past day), it will send the user a "Price Movement Alert" message via email.

HINT: leverage the email-sending capabilities of the sendgrid package, and optionally use Sendgrid email templates to further control the formatting of email contents

Sending Alerts via SMS


Modify the logic of your application such that if it detects the stock's price has moved past a given threshold within a given time period (e.g. the price has increased or decreased by more than 5% within the past day), it will send the user a "Price Movement Alert" message via SMS.

HINT: leverage the SMS-sending capabilities of the twilio package

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