The csv Module


Use the csv module to process data stored in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.

To setup these examples, create a new directory on your Desktop called "csv-mgmt" and navigate there from your command line. Create two Python scripts in that directory called "" and "", and place inside contents from the following sections, respectively.

Writing CSV Files

Write some Python dictionaries to a CSV file called "teams.csv" by running this script:

# csv-mgmt/

import csv

csv_file_path = "teams.csv" # a relative filepath

with open(csv_file_path, "w") as csv_file: # "w" means "open the file for writing"
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=["city", "name"])
    writer.writeheader() # uses fieldnames set above
    writer.writerow({"city": "New York", "name": "Yankees"})
    writer.writerow({"city": "New York", "name": "Mets"})
    writer.writerow({"city": "Boston", "name": "Red Sox"})
    writer.writerow({"city": "New Haven", "name": "Ravens"})
#> city,name
#> New York,Yankees
#> New York,Mets
#> Boston,Red Sox
#> New Haven,Ravens

FYI: if you're on Windows, this CSV writing approach may insert a blank row between each real row you're trying to write. To remedy this, change your file open command to: with open(csv_file_path, "w", newline="") as csv_file:. The newline parameter should fix this behavior.

Reading CSV Files

Process the "teams.csv" file into some Python dictionaries by running this script:

# csv-mgmt/

import csv

csv_file_path = "teams.csv" # a relative filepath

with open(csv_file_path, "r") as csv_file: # "r" means "open the file for reading"
    reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) # assuming your CSV has headers
    # reader = csv.reader(csv_file) # if your CSV doesn't have headers
    for row in reader:
        print(row["city"], row["name"])
#> New York Yankees
#> New York Mets
#> Boston Red Sox
#> New Haven Ravens

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