"Hello World (Local)" Exercise

Learning Objectives

In this exercise, we'll practice using the local development environment to create, edit, and execute a simple Python program.


This exercise assumes you have already done the Command-line Computing Exercise.


  1. Use your text editor to create and save a new file on the Desktop called "my_script.py".

  2. Use your text editor to write some Python code (like the example code below) in the file.

  3. Remember to save the file (anytime before running)!

  4. From your command-line application, ensure your Anaconda "base" environment is active.

  5. From your command-line application, execute the file (python ~/Desktop/my_script.py) to see its output.

Example Python code:

# This is some example python code
# These lines starting with # are "comments"

print("HELLO WORLD!")

x = 2 + 2

Success Criteria

Once you see the printed messages in your command-line application, you have succeeded. Edit the file (by changing the message or the numbers), save it again, and run it again. Repeat this process more time for good measure.

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