The pipenv Package
Pipenv provides an alternative command-line utility for installing third-party Python packages and managing Python versions and package dependencies.
Reference: <-- an awesome guide to help you get started
When installing Pipenv, one option is to install it via Pip, almost like you would any other Python package:
However, for Mac users, you can alternatively install Pipenv via Homebrew (recommended):
After installing Pipenv, you will mostly be using it from the root directory of some project repository to manage packages and versions. So navigate to your project directory:
From your project's root directory, install a new virtual environment:
This should create two files in the root directory of your project repository: a Pipfile
and a Pipfile.lock
NOTE: for some Windows users, you might not see these files, but the virtual environment is still created.
Installing Project-specific Packages
To install a specific package:
This will add the package to the project's Pipfile
and Pipfile.lock
, and make it available for use by scripts run within the project's virtual environment.
Running a Virtual Environment
From your repository's root directory, enter into a virtual environment with all the specified packages installed and ready to use:
From within the virtual environment, you should be able to examine its Python installation and execute scripts as usual:
When you are done, type exit
and press enter to leave the virtual environment and return to your normal command-line experience.
Last updated
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