Process Diagramming Exercise


Learning Objectives

  • Practice identifying, analyzing, diagramming, and re-engineering business processes.

  • Practice using digital diagramming tools to lend credibility and clarity to process diagrams.


Complete the challenges below, as desired.

Challenge I: Process Diagramming

Pick two processes or activities you engage in on a daily basis. One should be the process of brushing your teeth. The other is your choice.

  1. For each process, write instructions in English to communicate to another human (perhaps someone unfamiliar, or even a child) the steps involved in performing that process.

  2. Translate one or both of your written process descriptions into process diagrams.

Challenge II: Process Re-engineering

Identify a business process you think could be improved in terms of its effectiveness and/or efficiency. Maybe there are "pain points" involved for participants in this process, or it takes too long, or is too prone to manual error, etc.

Current State ("As-is"):

  1. Write a detailed and organized description of the current state process.

  2. Translate the written process description into a process diagram. Optionally include visual designations of the pain points.

Future State ("To-be"):

  1. Brainstorm ways to improve the process, and write a detailed and organized future state process description.

  2. Translate the written process description into a process diagram.

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