This document was originally adapted from an excellent blog post.
First install the package (and a dependent auth-related package) using Pip, if necessary:
NOTE: the example code below has been tested against gspread==3.6.0 and oauth2client==4.1.3
Downloading API Credentials
Visit the Google Developer Console. Create a new project, or select an existing one. Click on your project, then from the project page, search for the "Google Sheets API" and enable it. Also search for the "Google Drive API" and enable it.
From either API page, or from the API Credentials page, follow a process to create and download credentials to use the APIs: 1. Click "Create Credentials" for a "Service Account". Follow the prompt to create a new service account named something like "spreadsheet-service", and add a role of "Editor". 2. Click on the newly created service account from the "Service Accounts" section, and click "Add Key" to create a new "JSON" credentials file for that service account. Download the resulting .json file (this might happen automatically). 3. Move a copy of the credentials file into your project repository, typically into the root directory or perhaps a directory called "auth", and note its filepath. For the example below, we'll refer to a file called "google-credentials.json" in an "auth" directory (i.e. "auth/google-credentials.json").
Finally, before committing, add the credentials filepath to your repository's ".gitignore" file to ensure it does not get tracked in version control or uploaded to GitHub:
# the .gitignore file# ignore environment variables in the ".env" file:.env# ignore the google api credentials file at the following location:auth/google-credentials.json
Configuring Spreadsheet Document
Use this example Google Sheet, or create your own. Note the document's unique identifier (e.g. 1_hisQ9kNjmc-cafIasMue6IQG-ql_6TcqFGpVNOkUSE) from its URL, and store the identifier in an environment variable called GOOGLE_SHEET_ID.
If you create your own, make sure it contains a sheet called "Products-2021" with column headers id, name, department, price, and availability_date. If you choose a different sheet name, customize it via an environment variable called SHEET_NAME. Finally, modify the document's sharing settings to grant "edit" privileges to the "client email" address specified in the credentials file.
import osfrom dotenv import load_dotenvimport gspreadfrom oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentialsload_dotenv()DOCUMENT_ID = os.getenv("GOOGLE_SHEET_ID", default="OOPS")SHEET_NAME = os.getenv("SHEET_NAME", default="Products-2021")## AUTHORIZATION## see: ... and FYI there is also a newer, more high level way to do this (see the docs)# an OS-agnostic (Windows-safe) way to reference the "auth/google-credentials.json" filepath:CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "auth", "google-credentials.json")AUTH_SCOPE = ["",#> Allows read/write access to the user's sheets and their properties.""#> Per-file access to files created or opened by the app.]credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH, AUTH_SCOPE)print("CREDS:", type(credentials))#> <class 'oauth2client.service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials'>client = gspread.authorize(credentials)print("CLIENT:", type(client))#> <class 'gspread.client.Client'>## READ SHEET VALUES## see: ... ..."-----------------")print("READING DOCUMENT...")doc = client.open_by_key(DOCUMENT_ID)print("DOC:", type(doc), doc.title)#> <class 'gspread.models.Spreadsheet'>sheet = doc.worksheet(SHEET_NAME)print("SHEET:", type(sheet), sheet.title)#> <class 'gspread.models.Worksheet'>rows = sheet.get_all_records()print("ROWS:", type(rows))#> <class 'list'>for row in rows:print(row)#> <class 'dict'>## WRITE VALUES TO SHEET## see:"-----------------")print("NEW ROW...")auto_incremented_id =len(rows)+1# TODO: should change this to be one greater than the current maximum id valuenew_row ={"id": auto_incremented_id,"name":f"Product {auto_incremented_id} (created from my python app)","department":"snacks","price":4.99,"availability_date":"2021-02-17"}print(new_row)print("-----------------")print("WRITING VALUES TO DOCUMENT...")# the sheet's insert_row() method wants our data to be in this format (see docs):new_values =list(new_row.values())#> [13, 'Product 13', 'snacks', 4.99, '2019-01-01']# the sheet's insert_row() method wants us to pass the row number where this will be inserted (see docs):next_row_number =len(rows)+2# number of records, plus a header row, plus oneresponse = sheet.insert_row(new_values, next_row_number)print("RESPONSE:", type(response))#> dictprint(response)#> {'spreadsheetId': '____', 'updatedRange': "'Products-2021'!A9:E9", 'updatedRows': 1, 'updatedColumns': 5, 'updatedCells': 5}