


In Python, True and False are reserved words which indicate boolean values.

True #> True
False #> False



It is common to evaluate the combination of multiple boolean conditions. The keywords and and or are reserved for this purpose. The and operator will return True only if all values are True, whereas the or operator will return True if any of the values are True:

True and True #> True
True and False #> False
False and True #> False
False and False #> False

True or True #> True
True or False #> True
False or True #> True
False or False #> False

The most relevant boolean operator is the equality operator, ==. Its functionality is represented by the phrase, "Is this equal to that?":

True == True #> True
True == False #> False
False == False #> True

The inverse is the inequality operator, !=. Its functionality is represented by the phrase, "Is this not equal to that?":

True != True #> False
True != False #> True
False != False #> False

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